
Se muestran las entradas que coinciden con la búsqueda de Latin America on Edge


Latin America on Edge

Latin America on Edge : " It is the act of a people who have for years faced terrible abuses of their human rights , with insufficient support from the government. For the 32000 members of the Yanomami people, their health and welfare rests in the hands of those removed from ... The Cutting Edge "

Latin America on edge as US election approaches

Latin America on edge as US election approaches. Trade tensions and a stronger dollar are among the issues governments may have to wrestle with ... View article...

Latin America Teeters on Edge of Abortion Abyss

Latin America Teeters on Edge of Abortion Abyss : by MATTHEW HOFFMAN - Faithful hold a banner in Portuguese, meaning 'Brazil without abortion' as Pope Benedict XVI presides over Mass opening the 5th general meeting of the Latin American bishops' conference in Aparecida, Brazil, ... National Catholic Register

'Ex-Gay' Movement on the Rise in Latin America :: EDGE Provincetown

'Ex-Gay' Movement on the Rise in Latin America :: EDGE Provincetown A government investigation of so-called "reparative therapy" clinics in Ecuador after allegations of kidnap and torture is placing a spotlight on the ex- gay ...

US on edge over Human Rights Council election

US on edge over Human Rights Council election : In the run-up to the election, rights groups criticised the behind-closed-doors deals by Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe that will see countries such as Pakistan, Venezuela and Ethiopia guaranteed seats. Russia, China and Cuba, often ...

'Ex-Gay' Movement on the Rise in Latin America :: EDGE Boston

'Ex-Gay' Movement on the Rise in Latin America :: EDGE Boston : Dramatic testimony by an Ecuadorean lesbian who said she was abused & raped in a remote clinic to 'convert' her from her sexuality has highlighted the ...